Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The Unglamorous reason why I created my third blog.


if you want a laugh

visit my first blog at
from eighth grade, where I talk about wildly personal issues publicly

my second blog was an angsty, friends-only livejournal

but i've said too much.)

This blog isn't for my adoring public (although adoration is always nice). The main reason I created it is because I can type as fast as I can think (not the case with my would-be preferred method of ink), and sometimes my best thoughts come quickly.

Also, a collection of word documents is really no better than having a stack of papers on your desk: out of order, easily forgotten, private, etc. Blogs naturally order themselves.

Thirdly, I'm one of those people who is a little OCD about different categories intersecting, especially small things: I have trouble eating corn that has mingled with peas, for example. For this reason, my private, handwritten journals contain no newspaper clippings, photographs, quotes, or any such material, which can often be very inspirational. Since the internet is truly a vast, immoral wasteland of anything you could ever imagine (EVER--enrolling in a science fiction seminar last semester introduced me to the horrifying world of alien abduction pornography, something I may or may not discuss at a later date), I feel less guilty about interspersing my thoughts with these materials. So, my Blogspot blog's primary purpose is to be a mangy, eclectic slut of a mental receptacle.

Fourthly, writing too many Facebook notes makes me feel like a terrible person.

So follow me if you will,
But I won't promise posts, photos, or anything else.

For this is not your blog. It is mine.


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